

The Confluence of Hindi and English, The Future of India


International Mother Language Day Special: Let's discuss the relationship between Hindi and English in India on the occasion of International Mother Language Day. Both languages have their own importance, and the debate about which one is better is pointless. The real issue is that the coexistence of these two languages can pave the way for India's development and progress.

Hindi: Connecting with the Roots

Hindi is the most widely spoken language in India. It connects us to our culture, tradition, and heritage. The richness of Hindi can be seen in literature, music, art - every field. There is a unique pleasure in communicating, thinking, and expressing oneself in one's mother tongue.

English: Recognition on the Global Stage

On the other hand, English has become the language of global business, education, and technology. Proficiency in English is essential in today's world. It helps us connect with the world and make our mark on the global stage.

Coexistence: India's Strength

The coexistence of these two languages is India's real strength. We should neither forget Hindi nor reject English.

  • Hindi can be made a strong foundation in school education, while English can be taught as a skill.
  • Technical education and research can be encouraged in a bilingual (Hindi-English) format.
  • Government documents can be made available in both Hindi and English.

In this way, we can create a society where everyone is comfortable in their mother tongue and can also use English effectively to connect with the global world.

Let us all take a pledge today to be proud of and respect our mother tongue. At the same time, let's take full advantage of the English language. This will put India on the path to success in the future.)

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