

Sachin Waze's Plea to Turn Approver in Khwaja Yunus Custodial Death Case Opposed by Police


The Indian police have opposed dismissed officer Sachin Waze's plea to turn approver in the 2003 custodial death case of Khwaja Yunus, a software engineer. Here's a summary of the situation:

Waze's Plea:

  • Waze, one of the accused in the case, filed a petition before the court to become an approver and disclose information about the case.
  • He claimed to possess "full and true" knowledge of the events and expressed a desire to reveal them.

Police's Objection:

  • The police, represented by special public prosecutor Pradip Gharat, submitted a written response opposing Waze's plea.
  • They argue that Waze's past denial of facts and his tendency to make allegations against prosecutors cast doubt on his sincerity.
  • Additionally, they point out that Waze is currently out on bail in this case, but incarcerated in other serious matters, suggesting a lack of immediate need for leniency.

Case Background:

  • Yunus was detained in 2002 after a bomb blast in Mumbai.
  • He allegedly escaped police custody in 2003 while being transported for further investigation.
  • The police claim that Yunus died in custody and that evidence was subsequently destroyed.
  • The Crime Investigation Department (CID) charged 14 police officers, including Waze, with murder, fabricating evidence, and conspiracy.
  • Four officers, including Waze, are currently standing trial for these charges.

Current Status:

  • The court will decide whether to accept or reject Waze's plea to turn approver based on the arguments presented by both sides.
  • The trial against Waze and the other three accused continues.

Additional Notes:

  • This is a complex case with allegations of serious crimes against police officers.
  • Waze's plea to become an approver adds another layer of complexity, prompting questions about his motives and the potential impact on the case.
  • It is important to note that these are just allegations, and all parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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