The Mumbai Police on Thursday arrested the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) former Chief Operating Officer (COO) in the alleged TRP (television rating point) scam case. An officer said that the Mumbai Crime Branch team investigating the TRP case arrested former BARO COO Romil Ramgarhia in the afternoon. This is the 14th arrest in this case. On Thursday, a police officer said, "During the investigation, Raggarhia's alleged involvement in the case was discovered, following which he was arrested today."
He told that Ramgarhia will be produced before a local court. On December 13, Mumbai Police arrested Vikas Khanchandani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Republic Media Network, in this regard. However, his bail was approved by a court on Wednesday. Significantly, the police started an investigation into the alleged scam after Bark filed a complaint through the Hansa Research Agency for trespassing against some channels. In some homes, TRP is measured by detecting the number of visitors through machines. BARC releases weekly ratings for TV channels, which are important to attract advertisers. BARC works to form and monitor an accurate, reliable and time bound system for TV viewership and is bound by the guidelines of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. To measure the TRP, two thousand bar-o-meters have been installed in Mumbai. Bark had contracted an agency called 'Hansa' to monitor these meters from where the alleged TRP tampering case started. It is alleged that some of the houses where bar-o-meters were installed, some families were bribed and asked to run some special channels on TV so that their TRP can increase. In the recently filed 1,400-page charge sheet, the police have alleged that an officer of Hansa has given money to run bar-o-meter houses to run box cinema, fakt Marathi, Maha movie and Republic TV on TV. About 140 people have been named as witnesses in the charge sheet, including 'Broadcast Audience Research Council' (BARC) officials, forensic experts, forensic auditors, advertisers, people using bar-o-meters and others. . On October 8, Mumbai police claimed to have busted a gang that molested TRPs. The Commissioner of Police of Mumbai had claimed that some channels, including Republic TV, have rigged the TRP. However, Republic TV has denied these allegations. So far, 14 people have been arrested in this case, including the head of the regional distribution head of Republic TV and the owners of two other channels. However, Republic TV has denied the fact of doing anything wrong. After the matter came to light, Bark announced on October 15 that the ratings of news channels were temporarily suspended for 12 weeks. The Maharashtra government had recently withdrawn the 'consensus' granted to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to investigate cases in the state. The state government took this step in view of the alleged investigation of the case registered by the Uttar Pradesh Police against the 'unknown' channels and people for alleged TRP funding. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) recently filed a money laundering complaint in the alleged TRP scam case related to Mumbai Police investigation.
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