A Family Court in Pune has granted divorce by mutual consent to an engineer couple of fourteen days after they jointly presented a petition & secured a waiver of the mandatory 6-month cooling-off period.
The husband, who hails from the Uttar Kannada district in Karnataka, is employed as a project manager with a company in Dubai while the wife, who is a software engineer, stays in Talegaon Dabhade.
Their marriage was solemnised on Dec 12, 2017, under the Special Marriage Act.
However, the couple started living separately from April 26, 2019, owing to differences of opinion & incompatibility.
After all reconciliation measures failed, the couple presented a joint & voluntary petition through their lawyers, Mayur Salunke & Ajinkya Salunke, fourteen days ago seeking divorce by mutual consent.
Judge M R Kale observed in her ruling on Sept 29 that both the parties have already undergone a period of separation for more than 18 months. As such, there was no need to make them wait a further 6 months for the cooling-off period as stipulated under Section 28 of the Marriage Act, the Judge said.
The Judge further observed that the wife had waived off her right to maintenance, & that both husband & wife will not have any claim on each other’s property, both movable & immovable.
The Judge said that there was also no dispute regarding stridhan & other articles, & that there were no claims pending against each other.
The judge said the marriage counsellor too had filed a report saying there was no possibility of a reconciliation between the couple. As such, this was a fit case for grant of decree of divorce by mutual consent, the Judge ruled.
The Apex Court had earlier ruled that the 6-month cooling-off period can be waived in case there is absolutely no chance of a reconciliation between an estranged couple.
The marriage can be legally terminated in just a week, especially in cases where the couple had been living apart for more than a year, the Supreme Court’s order had said.
The Supreme Court order had said, “The amendment was inspired by the thought that forcible perpetuation of status of matrimony between unwilling partners did not serve any purpose..
The Top Court order further added, “The object of the cooling off period was to safeguard against a hurried decision if there was otherwise possibility of differences being reconciled.”
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