

Supreme Court Makes Historic Move to Connect with Rural India


In a significant step towards improving access to justice, the Supreme Court of India, led by Chief Justice of India (CJI) D.Y. Chandrachud, has embarked on a unique initiative. The top court is convening a two-day program in the Rann of Kutch area of Gujarat, bringing together 250 district judges and representatives from all High Courts.

This first-of-its-kind conference aims to bridge the gap between the judiciary and the common people. CJI Chandrachud envisions a more accessible justice system, actively reaching out to the public beyond the courtroom setting.

Key Highlights:

  • Focus on Grassroots Engagement: The program brings together district judges, who directly interact with the public, and High Court representatives for a collaborative discussion.
  • Future Leaders on Board: Notably, Justices Sanjeev Khanna and Surya Kant, expected to become future CJIs, are participating in the program.
  • Building a Transparent Judiciary: This initiative follows previous efforts like e-filing, virtual hearings, and regional language judgments to promote transparency.
  • Direct Interaction and Problem-Solving: Open discussions with lower court judges will address their concerns regarding technology, resources, and other challenges faced in the digital age.
  • Strategic Venue: The selection of Kutch in Gujarat facilitates open discussions and fosters a nuanced understanding of regional dynamics, with Justice Bela Trivedi from Gujarat contributing her local perspective.

The Significance:

This historic conference holds immense promise for the Indian judiciary. By directly engaging with the public and addressing challenges at the grassroots level, the Supreme Court is paving the way for a more inclusive and responsive justice system.


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