

Candidate and Middleman Sentenced in Vyapam Scam Case Related to Pre-PG Exam 2009


Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh: The Special Judge for CBI Vyapam Cases in Gwalior has sentenced Ashutosh Gupta, a former candidate, and Pankaj Gupta, a middleman, to four years of rigorous imprisonment (RI) each in a case related to the Vyapam scam. Both were fined Rs. 13,100/-.

The Case:

This case pertains to the Pre-PG Examination conducted by Vyapam (Madhya Pradesh) in 2009. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) took over the case based on orders from the Supreme Court of India in 2015. The original FIR was registered by the Madhya Pradesh Police against Ashutosh Gupta, Pankaj Gupta, and others.

The Allegations:

Ashutosh Gupta, the candidate, was accused of arranging a substitute test taker ("solver") through Pankaj Gupta, the middleman, for a sum of approximately Rs. 15 lakh. Essentially, Ashutosh Gupta allegedly paid to cheat in the exam.

The Investigation:

The CBI investigation involved obtaining handwriting and signature samples from the accused for analysis by the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL). The CFSL report revealed that Ashutosh Gupta did not appear for the exam held on April 12th, 2009, in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.

Further investigation established that Ashutosh Gupta was on duty as a Medical Officer at a Primary Health Centre in Gwalior on both the Saturday and Monday surrounding the exam date (Sunday, April 12th, 2009). He did not seek any leave or permission to travel to Jabalpur for the exam.

The investigation also revealed that Ashutosh Gupta contacted Pankaj Gupta, the middleman, who arranged the substitute test taker for the Pre-PG exam in exchange for the aforementioned sum. After securing admission to Gajra Raja Medical College, Ashutosh Gupta reportedly paid Pankaj Gupta the agreed-upon amount.

The Outcome:

The CBI filed a supplementary chargesheet in January 2018, incorporating additional evidence gathered during the investigation. After the trial, the court found both Ashutosh Gupta and Pankaj Gupta guilty and sentenced them to four years of rigorous imprisonment each.

Significance of the Case:

This case highlights the efforts of the CBI in investigating the Vyapam scam, a massive admission and recruitment scandal that plagued Madhya Pradesh for several years. The conviction of Ashutosh Gupta and Pankaj Gupta serves as a reminder of the seriousness of such offenses and the consequences individuals face for participating in them.


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