

Teacher who hit toddlers takes back pre-arrest bail plea in High Court


A playgroup teacher, accused of beating toddlers, on Friday petitioned the High Court of Bombay for pre-arrest bail only to withdraw after the court told her to either withdraw the plea or it would reject it.

On April 15, additional sessions judge N L Kale rejected Jinal Chheda's (42) pre-arrest bail plea and she approached the High Court. Calling the acts "heinous & against society", the Sessions Court had rejected similar pleas of 2 teachers accused of cruelty & assault on children at a Kandivli playgroup.


Before the High Court single-judge bench of Justice Anuja Prabhudessai, lawyers Mrunmayee Chowkidar & Tejas Deshpande, for the complainant, sought to intervene & opposed grant of any relief saying the trial court denial was justified. The trial court had found prima facie material on record to draw an inference that "due to very cruel behaviour'' of the teacher, those children are in depression & now are not ready to go to school.

The judge was not inclined to grant any relief to Chheda, who, through her lawyer S Daga, was allowed to withdraw her application.

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