

When it will happen?: SC warns of strict action on pending Judicial Appointments; gives Govt. 10 days time


After multiple requests and reminders, the Apex Court has now taken a tough stand and given a ten days ultimatum to the Centre Government on pending judicial appointments.

A Division Bench of Justice SK Kaul and Justice AS Oka grilled Attorney General N Venkataramani as to by what date the December recommendations of five elevations to SC would be notified.

AG had no concrete reply and just quipped 'soon'. The Bench was not amused by the same.

The Bench then proceeded to instruct that it is to be recorded that the AG stated 5-days period. The AG at this point requested that the time-period can be retracted and instead it can be recorded that it will happen.

A jaded Justice Kaul was quick to express his disappointment.


"It has been happening! But when will this happen? Things have not been happening for years together." he said.

The Bench stated that it was hoping for a 'good news' by this friday but instead the AG has sought more time

"Okay, ten days. I am taking your word for the five judges, the transfers and the High Court Chief Justice. On this, I am giving you ten days," Justice Kaul said as at the closure of the proceedings.


Whille touching upon the proposal for transfer of judges issued by the Collegium, the bench stressed that it is an important matter as well and with the way things are currently going, the Government is inclined to make Court take some tough decisions.

"Let's come to the rest...If transfer orders are not implemented, what do you want us to? Should we withdraw work from them? If we think somebody should be working in B court instead of A court...This is very very serious to my mind. You will make us take some tough decisions. I understand you have something to say about new appointments. But transfers? It's a serious issue", the Bench flagged the issue.

On being requested for a short deferral by the AG, the Bench issued warning of a strict action and recorded the same in the order.

 "We have put to the Ld. Attorney that any delay in transfers may result in admin and judicial actions which may not be palatable."


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