

Survivor's account: What's the scoop on the new breast cancer vaccine?


Now advancing to Phase II trial, the vaccine shows 80 percent survival rate as US-based researchers reveal promising results in 10-year assessment.

During the 10-year assessment period, 80 percent of the vaccine participants survived.
During the 10-year assessment period, 80 percent of the vaccine participants survived. (Reuters Archive) 

A vaccine developed by the University of Washington researchers proves effective in preventing the growth of HER2 tumour cells that have led to numerous deaths worldwide. Results of phase one human trials show a promising outcome.

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Researchers at the university's School of Medicine (UWSM) in Seattle have been working on developing a breast cancer vaccine for over two decades and they have finally succeeded in generating a strong immune response against the human epidermal growth receptor 2 (HER2) tumour cells.

Half of the people with HER2-positive breast cancer usually don't survive more than five years after being affected. However, during the 10-year assessment period, 80 percent of the vaccine participants survived. 


Following this success, the team is now conducting phase II trials that may lead to treating breast cancer. These results have sparked hopes that the vaccine  may also lead to the cure for other types of cancerous cells.

Here is a testimony from a cancer survivor who received the new vaccine. 


Stephanie Gangi, a 66- year-old author from the US, shares the story of her survival with The Telegraph: "I have some resistance to tempting fate with any definitive proclamations, but I am hopeful, and I feel great". 

Gangi was treated for breast cancer in 1999 first. Fifteen years later, her cancer returned and spread to her breastbone. By 2021, a big size tumour appeared on her adrenal gland.

But last week, Gangi had what she describes as a "nice and boring" scan showing no signs of cancer. The giant tumour has gone, and she has been cured, thanks to this experimental vaccine. 

"This is the first time we've seen such an amazing response," says Samik Upadhaya, assistant director of scientific affairs at the Cancer Research Institute in the US to The Telegraph.

On the other hand, Dr. Mary (Nora) L. Disis, associate dean of the UW School of Medicine, believes that there is a good probability that the vaccine will be utilised in clinics by 2030 and that it has the potential to be a groundbreaking discovery in the realm of modern medicine. 

“Because this was not a randomized clinical trial, the results should be considered preliminary, but the findings are promising enough that the vaccine will now be evaluated in a larger, randomized clinical trial,” she added in a statement published UW Medicine webpage. 

Source: TRTWorld and agencies
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