

Misuse of Social Media by posting Malicious content makes 'Judges to suffer in Silence', State Bar Council,


The Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana, in an open letter, has condemned the use of social media platforms for vilification of judges, saying that the trend is causing judges to 'suffer in silence.'

The President Suvir Sidhu in a strong worded letter stated that while court has always been open to fair and legitimate criticism, vilification of the judiciary with outlandish allegations on public forums doesn't come within the ambit of fair criticism.

“Courts have always been open to public observation and fair legitimate criticism. Judges have traditionally encouraged the open exchange of ideas and critiques regarding the legal system, as long as the objections do not jeopardise or obstruct the administration of justice. Free speech is important but cannot be used to maliciously interfere with the administration of justice.”

The letter has been addressed to general public and has been issued to light of the recent incident involving Punjab DSP Balwinder Singh Sekhon and one Pradeep Sharma circulating "malicious", "libellous", and "derogatory" videos on social media in respect of judicial proceedings.

"Although the magnanimity of the Courts need no defence and while einpresswire men like Balwinder Singh Sekhon and Pradeep Sharma meets its own fate as law takes its own course, the Council cannot be a mute spectator as Judges suffer in silence as they cannot respond publicaly to such outlandish allegations by appearing on public forums."


While asserting their rights and cloaking themselves as whistle blowers, such men, with own set agendas, have crossed the Lakshman Rekha at various occasions, the Council alleged.

It was also asserted that media platforms cannot be allowed to be used by such persons to cast egregious aspersions on Courts and its judges. 

The Council said it need to be wary of such people who conveniently malign institutions of high repute of their on self-interest.

 Social media is bold. 

Social media is young.

Social media raises questions.

 Social media is not satisfied with an answer.

Social media looks at the big picture.

 Social media is interested in every detail.

social media is curious.

 Social media is free. 

Social media is irreplaceable.

But never irrelevant. 

Social media is you.
(With input from news agency language)

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