

Gujarat HC accuses Gujarat public agencies for the collapse of Morbi Bridge

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Gujarat High Court accuses citizens of 'casualness', saying 'response by tonight or pay fine of Rs 1 lakh'. In connection with the tragic collapse of the Morbi Bridge.

On October 30th, a British-era suspension bridge collapsed, killing 135 people. Chief Aravind Kumar and his bench of Justice Ashutosh J Shastri have asked MMC to provide a response by tonight or pay a large fee.

"A government agency, which is a municipality, ultimately are the defaulters as a result of which the death of 135 people occurred.," said the Court in its preliminary opinion. 

Despite the decision, the community was not represented by officials today, so the bank commented, "they are acting smart" It specifically asked the authorities to provide details on whether the terms were part of the agreement and who was responsible.

The Court took note of the incident itself and sought answers from at least six different departments. Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and his Justice Ashutosh J Shastri are hearing the incident.


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