A week after the Gujarat High Court Advocates Association (GHAA) President requested the governor to permit the use of Gujarati in HC proceedings, the Bar on Monday distanced itself from the issue & asked him to withdraw his letter, stating that the president did not take bar members into confidence before making the request.
On Aug 14, GHAA president Asim Pandya had written to the governor urging him for specific authorization to allow Gujarati in addition to English for court proceedings under provisions of Article 348(2) of the Constitution. The Bar took exception to the president’s actions & called for a general body meeting, where it was resolved that the president was not authorized to make this request & he should withdraw the letter, which was sent on the letterhead of the association.
According to GHAA secretary Hardik Brahmbhatt, a senior lawyer moved the motion not approving the president’s actions & other members supported it.
After the GHAA president dashed off the letter to the governor, the issue echoed in the speeches of the governor & chief minister during a programme held under the aegis of the legal services authority last week. Both the constitutional authorities underlined that the use of local language should be permitted during HC proceedings.
The Gujarat HC Rules & a Judicial Order prohibit the use of any language other than English in judicial proceedings.
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(With input from news agency language)
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