The Delhi High Court Monday dismissed a plea seeking to direct the Centre and Bar Council of Delhi to consider financial difficulties and give monthly assistance of Rs 5,000 to newly enrolled advocates here during their first year of practice.
A bench of Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Subramonium Prasad rejected the petition saying there was no merit in it.
The bench said if the court passes such a direction for lawyers, later Chartered Accountants and people from other professions will also come for the same relief.
The petition said that the petitioner, a young lawyer, along with other young advocates are intending to pursue their litigation practice and learn under a senior lawyer but due to non-payment they are unable to learn properly and carry any of their expenditures.
The plea also raised the issue of allotment of chambers to lawyers and said there are no rules for it and no equal opportunity is given to the young advocates.
Instead, the chamber is allotted on a generation basis and based on the age of the advocate, which is a denial of the fundamental right of the newly enrolled advocates, it alleged.
On the point of lack of lawyers’ chamber, the court said all the young lawyers are free to sit in the halls available in court and nobody will stop them. ”If anybody is stopping, you always have a right to come to us,” the bench said.
The petitioner stated that various state bar councils have already made similar provisions in respect of providing financial assistance to the young advocates and the same is also required in Delhi as the cost of living here is higher than in most of the states in India.
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