On Monday, Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Shantanu Tyagi issued an arrest warrant against famous singer-dancer Sapna Chaudhary in connection with a case of cancelling a dance event & not refunding the ticket holders. The Court fixed Sept 30 as the next date of hearing.
She had obtained bail in the case, but she didn't turn up at the time of the hearing in the Court on Monday nor was any exemption plea raised by her lawyer. Consequently, the Court issued an arrest warrant against her.
The FIR in this connection was lodged by sub-inspector Firoz Khan on Oct 14, 2018 with Ashiana police station in Lucknow. In the FIR, programme organizers Junaid Ahmad, Naveen Sharma, Iwad Ali, Amit Pandey and Ratnakar Upadhyay besides Sapna Chaudhary were named. Sapna Chaudhary's dance programme was scheduled along with others in Smriti Upwan on Oct 13, 2018, from 3 pm to 10 pm. The tickets were sold both online & offline at the cost of Rs 300 each.
Thousands of people were in Smriti Upwan to watch the dance programme on the appointed date. When Sapna did not turn up till 10 pm, the crowd created ruckus at the spot. The money was not returned to the ticket holders.
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