On Wednesday, the Bar Council of India (BCI) constituted a 12-member Expert Committee to deliberate on the issue of "how to evaluate law students" for promotion to intermediate semesters amid the ongoing second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The decision came in after Law Students across the country wrote to BCI on the matter. The students have requested that the LL.B intermediate semester examination/ evaluation and promotion should be held as per UDG Guidelines through a composite scheme i.e. 50% marks from the internal assessment and 50% marks for previous performance. They have cited one Karnataka High Court judgement to weigh their appeal.
The Committee will be chaired by Justice Govind Mathur, former Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court who will be the Convener of the Expert Committee.
The BCI stated in its statement:
" .... the Council was of the view that a High Level Committee of noted academicians/Vice-Chancellors be constituted and requested to deliberate on this issue and suggest a consensual mode for holding examination/evaluation and promotion for intermediate semester Law Students should be formulated."
The BCI clarified that it has decided not to issue guidelines its own with regarding the holding of examination for intermediate semester or final semester students of Law.
The guidelines issued by the BCI last year were faced with Court challenge. Some Universities wanted to depart from the BCI guidelines and adopt their own protocol for holding the examination.
"Bar Council of India’s predominant view this year has been to leave this matter with the respective Universities and enable them to take a decision keeping in view the convenience and the situation, the University and Students are placed in", stated the BCI.
It is also informed that an e-mail from Prof. (Dr.) Vandana, Dean, Faculty of Law, Delhi University was received by the BCI on May 27, informing that DU has announced exams for UG and other stream going to commence from June 7. LL.B. (all years) Exams are to commence on June 10, in Open Book Exam (OBE) and blended mode.
In this development, she had asked the BCI if any general instructions have been issued by it or whether such guidelines are in the pipeline for the Law Departments in the Central Universities.
The BCI has also asked Prof Vandana to place her views on the issue as a special invitee to the Expert Committee deliberations.
Read Press Release Here:
SOURCE ; .latestlaws.com
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