The anti-corruption wing of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Bhopal unit has arrested 4 persons including 3 managers of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) for allegedly demanding & accepting bribe & recovered Rs 3.1 crore in cash & 387 grams of gold jewellery.
As per an official release, the arrests were made on Friday, while raids were conducted at the premises of the accused on Saturday.
During searches, cash of around Rs 3.01 crore & gold jewellery 387 grams & 670 grams silver articles/jewellery were recovered.
The said cash amount was allegedly kept in different envelopes, some of the bundles marked/ written with names of the parties, dates & amounts. Some cash amount was also allegedly found in heavy safety vaults/chest which was concealed in the wooden almirah. A diary was found containing the detailed record of the cash amounts obtained such as date, name of party, amount & also a note counting machine.
A case was registered on a complaint against manager (accounts), FCI, Divisional Office, Bhopal on the allegations of demanding a bribe of Rs. 1,50,000/- for releasing the pending bills of the complainant's company.
The arrested persons will be produced today before the Special Judge for CBI cases, Bhopal.
Further investigation into the matter is underway.
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