Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the farmers of Madhya Pradesh through video conference today during a Kisan Kalyan Sammelan- Farmers welfare programme, organized by the state government.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will participate in the state level main event in Raisen where 20 thousand farmers are expected to take part.
Farmers will be provided detailed information about the beneficial provisions of the new agricultural laws. Our correspondent reports that the relief amount for the loss of crops in the 2020 Kharif season will also be transferred to the accounts of affected farmers during the conference.
More than 35 lakh farmers will receive a total of Rs 1 thousand 600 crore as benefits. The inauguration and laying of foundation stones for agricultural development will also be done at the event.The conference will be organized at the district, development block and gram panchayat levels at the same time.The state government has also instructed that social distancing must be followed at the conference, and all farmers must wear masks.This conference will be broadcast live in 23 thousand gram panchayats of the state.
{With input from news agency language)
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