

If the agricultural law is in the interest of farmers, Then why are the farmers' organizations not in favor of it?

 Source ; Cobrapost

 The farmers have a question with the government whether there was a demand from their side to make such a law and why they were not consulted in this regard? The farmers have alleged that through this the government is trying to end the minimum support price and the established system of mandis. The farmers are demanding that the MSP be made a legal authority. New Delhi: For more than a week, farmers in various parts of the country have been protesting against the three controversial agricultural laws brought by the Modi government of the Center. In this, farmers of Punjab and Haryana have played a leading role and in protest against this, they are giving dharna on various borders of Delhi even in the bitter cold. The fundamental question of the farmers is that the demand for making these three laws was ever raised in any farmer movement? Was any farmer organization consulted while making the law? Why were these laws brought to light in the midst of the Kovid-19 pandemic and lockdown? If this law is in the interest of farmers, then why is no big farmer organization in favor of it? By the way, all the BJP leaders including Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar are trying to avoid these questions, although the government regarding the law And four rounds of talks have been held between the farmer, but so far no effective conclusion has been reached. Farmers demand that the government make the minimum support price (MSP) a legal right, so that no trader or buyer can buy their produce from farmers at a lower price than MSP. If anyone does this, then action should be taken on it.Farmers allege that the government is trying to end the established system of MSP and mandis through these three laws, which will benefit only and only traders and due to this the farmer will be forced to live on their mercy. At the same time, the government says that this law provides a free market to the farmers, so that they can sell their produce according to their choice. He said that the MSP is not being abolished and the mandis will continue to function as before. What say law 1. Approval to purchase agricultural products outside APMC mandis On 5 June 2020, the Modi government issued an ordinance - Agricultural Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance, 2020 - which was passed by Parliament and made it law in September. This law provides for the sale of farmers' produce outside the APMC (Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees) mandis or markets made under the State Agricultural Produce Market Laws i.e. the State APMC Acts. In other words, this new law of the Center creates a separate buy and sell system parallel to the APMC mandis. Under this, agricultural produce can be traded between states and within the state. These purchased farms can be traded at gates, factory premises, warehouses, mills and cold storage places where produce is produced or wherever it may have been stored. The government claims that wherever these farmers get good prices from these provisions, they will be able to sell their crops there. Prior to this, mandis made under the APMC Acts and other markets approved under it, such as private market yards and market sub-yards, direct marketing collection centers and private farmer consumer market yards, could be purchased only in places with agricultural products. An important provision in the new law is that no tax (mandi tax) will be levied on any farmer and buyer for doing business outside the APMC mandis. On the contrary, in the APMC mandis, such tax will be imposed state-wise. Section seven of the Act states that the Central Government through any of its Central Government Organizations can develop Price Information and Market Intelligence System (MIS) for farmers' produce and prepare a framework for dissemination of information related to it Can. In addition, this law allows electronic trading of agricultural produce. Under this, any farmer producer organization or agricultural cooperative association, company, partnership firms or registered societies can create electronic trading and transaction platforms, through which farmers' produce can be bought and sold through electronic equipment and internet and its physical delivery. Possible According to the new law, any merchant holding a PAN card can make a purchase. If the farmer wants, he can sell his produce directly from the farm to the consumers. The buyer has to pay the farmer on the same day, or with some conditions, within three days. Apart from this, if a dispute arises between the trader and the farmer, then an application can be made to the Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) here. If the dispute does not settle here within 30 days, then an appeal can be filed against the verdict with the Appellate Authority (Collector or Collector-nominated Additional Collector). However, no one will have the right to go to any civil court regarding this.


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