

Bahujan hero Ambedkar Baba Saheb Bhimrao

Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891 in Mau Madhya Pradesh and died on 6 December 1956 in Delhi. But what Babasaheb has done in this 65 years of life is amazing. He saw and realized how a handful of dominant class of some caste is ruling the vast population of the country arbitrarily. Is discriminating against them. Is exploiting them. Baba Saheb named the ideology of such a dominant class as Brahminical ideology, which we also call Manuwadi ideology. He saw that the Brahminical ideology has kept the huge population of the natives here under them as Shudra. They are enslaving them with inhuman oppression. They are considered lower than animals. The Brahmins have placed themselves supreme then Kshatriyas and Vaishyas in high-low order. Shudras are kept at the bottom. And their job is to serve the above three classes. Not only this, it has been made birth based so that the Shudra will always remain their slaves and serve them from generation to generation. The Shudras of Brahmins such as Manusmriti are today's Dalit-Adivasi-and backward class people i.e. Bahujans. When Babasaheb wrote the Constitution, he divided them into Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. Special provisions for reservation were made in the constitution to represent them. Struggled for a lifetime to uplift them. That is why today he is the hero of Bahujan class. 'His' villain Ambedkar Needless to say that the Brahminism against which Babasaheb raised his voice did not like it. He left no stone unturned to prove Babasaheb Ambedkar as a villain from a hero. A Brahminical journalist wrote the entire book in English to make him a villain. Named - Worshipping of a False God. A Kumar poet even commented - "A man (Bhimrao Ambedkar) came to this country and dug the caste gap in the name of the movement." Then through reservation and casteism, the work of dissolving poison in the country, which is going on till today. Whereas before that the caste structure was very correct. There was no discrimination and high-pitchedness in it. " Blessed Kumar-Sukumar ji! You do not see casteism and the high-pitched, discrimination and exploitation prevailing in it for five thousand years. Well you will see how! You are the creator of that Brahminical system. The 'man' who attacked this inhuman caste system and evil like untouchability would be a hero in our eyes, you will be a villain. Your hero is Manu Maharaj. On whose thinking Mahendra Mohanvi has rightly written - "Human body still fainted Manu, how much dissolution was your thinking. Today the reason for your anger is so much The closures that were closed for centuries were opened. Social reformer Ambedkar Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is known as a great philosopher thinker and democratic movement activist in Indian social history. As a synonym for the emancipation of Dalits are present in every corner of the country. He seeded the establishment of an alternative society for Dalit, deprived and women in Indian society. His personality consists of an economist, politician, philosopher, educationist and legalist. They have the qualities of constitution maker as well as active activist. He presented a historical analysis of the exploitative caste system rooted in Indian society. Ambedkar the caste destroyer The caste system in India is a great stigma on humanity. Baba Saheb wanted to eradicate it. He said that - "Turn in any direction, the monster of caste will find a way to stop. Neither economic development nor social development nor mental development is possible without killing him. He also wrote a book titled "Destruction of caste". He was in favor of caste destruction. However, the roots of caste are so deep and strong that it could not be eradicated and it still exists today. Today, the Dalit movements are fighting for the human rights of Dalits after getting inspiration from Babasaheb itself.

 Ambedkar the power of women Baba Saheb Ambedkar had said - "If you want to see the progress of a society, then see how much women of that society have progressed." He considered the development of society as the development of women. He was a strong advocate of women's education. He believed that if a man is educated, then only one man is educated, but if a woman is educated, the whole family is educated. He tried to get the Hindu Code Bill for women's rights passed in Parliament. Thus we see that she raised the voice of women empowerment at a time when there is hardly anyone to talk about women's rights and development. He considered education as compulsory and powerful for the Dalit, women and deprived communities. Therefore, he once said - "Education is the milk of a lioness". Today, the struggle for women's rights is inspired by Baba Saheb's ideology. Bahujan Ambedkar In 1923, he founded the Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha whose main objective was education and economic reforms for the disadvantaged community. For this, he insisted on taking various institutions from the disadvantaged community into his own hands. He periodically took out news magazines like "Mooknayak", "Janta" and "Excluded India" from his own press to make people aware. In 1927-28, he started the leadership of the movement for the Dalits directly known as the Mahad movement. Dalits were prohibited from taking water at the Chavdar pond in Mahad. The government, by enacting a law, protected the right of Dalits to take water to that pond. Despite making laws, the upper caste people did not allow water from the Chavdar pond. At the same time Baba Saheb also fought for the entry of Dalits into other institutions. Today, Dalit Adivasis and other backward classes are fighting for their rights by taking energy from their thoughts. Megastar ambedkar Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar worked for the multi-dimensional progress of the country. He was rich in versatility. He was a very good economist. He played an important role in economic development. Today's Reserve Bank of India is based on his ideas. He gave a unique constitution for the country. In which every citizen of the country has been given equal human dignity. All have been given equal human rights. Even though Baba Saheb is no longer among us, today the whole world has accepted his importance. The US has awarded him the title of Symbol of Knowledge. They are Bharat Ratna only. In short, if it is said, it is Baba Saheb Ambedkar who spoke about the respect of India's most repressed and oppressed Dalit and women community. Fought for them. Made movements. Therefore, he is known in the world as a great twentieth century superhero.

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