UN adopts resolution for urgent solution of Rohingya crisis

The United Nations has adopted a resolution calling for the urgent solution of the Rohingya crisis. The resolution tabled by the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) and European Union (EU) was adopted on Wednesday by a majority of 132 countries voting in favour, 9 against and 31 abstentions.

According to the Press Release issued by the permanent mission of Bangladesh at the UN, this year the resolution has taken some new developments into account such as the provisional order of the International Criminal Court of Justice and the issue of disenfranchisement of the Rohingya and other minorities.

The resolution called for specific action on the part of Myanmar to address the root cause of the Rohingya crisis including granting them citizenship and ensuring safe and sustainable return to their homes by creating a conducive environment.

The resolution appreciated the government of Bangladesh for the humanitarian act of providing shelter to the displaced Rohingyas. It called upon other countries to support Bangladesh in its humanitarian effort.

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