In Tamil Nadu, the State Government has identified 4,133 places in the state as vulnerable to floods. The State Revenue Minister R.B. Udhayakumar told reporters in Chennai this morning, 321 of them are the most vulnerable for which special attention is being provided during the prevailing North-East Monsoon.
He said, the monsoon brings 47.32 per cent of the total rainfall in the state. It began this year on 28th of October and remains deficient by 37 per cent so far. However, weather officials said, the rainfall activity may gain momentum later, as the season runs through the end of December.
Mr Udhayakumar said, in addition to the usual 4,713 shelters for the evacuees during floods, this time an additional 4,680 centres including schools and community halls have been readied for accommodating flood-affected people in view of the social distancing norms.
The National and State Disaster Response Forces, the Fire and Rescue Forces and the Home Guards and thousands of volunteers are on standby to carry out rescue and relief missions whenever necessary.