It is with much pride that we can say 'yoga is India's gift to the world'. Indeed our ancient wisdom on leading a yogic lifestyle is spreading fast around the globe as more people find out each day the far-reaching benefits of Yoga Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation.

Yoga attracts many wellness-minded tourists from across the globe to learn its art - whether in the mountains of Rishikesh, in the holy city of Haridwar, the shores of Chennai and Puducherry or in renowned yoga institutes of metro cities like 'The Yoga Institute' in Mumbai. Experience for yourself the joy of learning yoga at a retreat under the tutelage of yoga gurus when travel is safe once again.

Yoga: A spiritual art of science that brings consonance between mind and body. A better way to livec healthily. Nowadays every person is eagerly asking how to live healthily? How to make the body and - mind relax? The answer is YOGA. Because daily practicing of yoga will lead to the union of individual consciousness with Universal consciousness, brings together body, mind, man, and nature. This is the true power of “yoga” coming from the Sanskrit word “Yuj means to unite”. And the one who follows yoga, experiences this oneness of existence is really said to be yogi. We Indians follow yoga since the everlasting culture of INDUS VALLEY SARASWATI VALLEY CIVILIZATION (2700BC). It is also called “yogsadhna”.

Not only soul development from inner strength to outside, but yoga also gives us therapeutic effects on the body too. It will develop physical flexibility and allow these practices to calm our minds. Indian, culture is a pioneer of yoga. Gautam Buddha, Swami-Vivekananda, above all DEVO K dev Mahadev is parm yogi. 21st June is celebrated as INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY due to all its benefits. Our Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modiji made it international to make everybody in the world will live a long and healthy life. This is the beauty of our Indian culture. The company culture has developed a lot of stress in all of our minds and our unhealthy living style is also very disturbed. So, this yoga, just 20 to 30 minutes has the power to regulate our body and mind. With this, if we follow a nutritious diet then we can live a healthy life. Our Indian culture is very rich in all this. In olden times people live longer and healthy. But at the present time, we do not have time to live healthily, we just think about how to earn more money and make a lavish life. And we keep and arrange a lot of money for our kids also so that they also live happily with these destroyable things. We forgot to develop good habits in children, to develop their character, to develop their identity. All are running a horse race. What does it mean? We need to follow our dreams with yoga and a healthy diet, natural fruits, natural vegetables, cooked food at home with love and affection which will bind family members. Enjoy our time with family members. RESPECT OUR INDIAN CULTURE AND TEACH OUR KIDS TOO. This time Yoga day will celebrate with Father’s day. We should enjoy our life together; develop a strong bond with kids, parents for our healthy well-


“YOGA will let you live the present and will make you ready for Future
Let’s celebrate this day with great enthusiasm”

Dr.Anubha Dubey (Ph.D)
Director & Trainer
Kanishktechnologies-e learning platform 

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