Farewell celebrations celebrated amidst students at Ashram Shala Poundin,

Katni- Ashram Shala Pondin Farewell ceremony was organized among the students of class 8 V under the guidance of in-charge Mrs. Manju Soni. The program was conducted by social activist and advocate Smt. Rekha Anju Tiwari. The inauguration of the program started by lighting the lamp in front of the mother Saraswati along with the school teachers and social workers and advocate Smt. Rekha Anju Tiwari. Prabhat Suman Tiwari, Chief In-charge of Bundelkhand, Sagar, and the program was presided over by Ashram Shala Pondi Superintendent Ramakrishna Patel, distinguished guests Rajesh Saraf, Chakresh Soni, state vice-president of Sarvadharma Janseva Manch Samiti and all the officials including Rakesh Saini organized the function. was done. The students of class 8, 8th presented a steel trick of drinking water in a memorable way in their school and resolved that together we will study and achieve success together with dedication. Colorful cultural programs were organized by the children of the class in which dance, acting, songs, and writing their thoughts were signature so that the incoming students could share them. 

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