Social field life?

I have started to question whether everyone, from the founders to the program managers and field staff, are selfless and have given up their privileges for the benefit of social welfare. Are they all also working for the same "cause"? Probably not!
What are these privileges? Money? If you give up your extra earnings, are you really giving up on your needs and are selfless? I do not think so.
Everyone working in this field is called a lunatic, but they are not mad because they have given up their worldly desires, but because their desires are world-lovers. They are crazy for breaking norms, taking up challenges, unconventional. They are fearless and some, even kind.
For these people, each day is not a compassionate walk around the block, but a fearless bike ride that gives them the thrill of crossing over and surprising people. In reality, you would hardly find 2 people in an organization of 10 people who entrust them to the community for ease of change. Primarily, they think, create and innovate. They prompt him to break his deadlock.

As I understood, the fight in the social sphere is not between the privileged and the underprivileged. It is not the lone wolf who is selflessly running the show, but also the star-idea who was intelligent. For us, it is important not to lie on the cash-bed, but to know that we are not taking part of someone else's bed. Oh, and sometimes you just got to lift the whole mountain for Sanjeevani which can save that person's life. This is an important lesson I have learned.

-ashutosh dubey public speaker! 

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