

"My Story of Becoming a Motivational Speaker through Poetry"

“ Life is amazing, it is an opportunity to do amazing things. I want to maximize my life before I die, I want to do a lot, I want to be who I can be and I want to leave an impression.

 I have an older brother who is realistic. He is very helpful in many ways. However, for many years her voice kept ringing in my ears, telling me why I should not have too many dreams. I had stopped seeing him after high school but this voice was so internal that I had to work on myself a lot to get it out of my head.
This voice said don't waste your parents' money for engineering, your math is not so good. I refused to accept it but Mana said, you are introverted and you will not do engineering. You are making a terrible career choice. When you study in English medium schools, you will suffer from inferiority complex because you never studied in English medium schools. You will get poor marks in the exam because you will try to learn English and social work at the same time. He was both right and wrong but I was not going to compromise due to my limitations. He had never seen anyone transform, but I changed myself and it was a metamorphosis, after which from introvert I taught myself to be extrovert.
Losing in life is not to be accepted, most people want to live a life of importance, they want to be extraordinary, they want the path to great success. Actually, this is what every person wants, but most never get that way. Most people give up, most people are told that they do not deserve to be exceptional, they are asked to seek a place of safety and security. They get addicted to comfort and they never do the real work that matters.
Parental support: My parents said that they believe in me, discover my interests but they were scared of reality. This is because he has faced many difficult situations in his life. We are living in a very different world today, where our aspirations are very big. Our parents' generation thanked us for standing but that is also a trap.
He told us that we should dream big but also taught us to fear the unknown. He told us that we have become rich but did not show us how to invest. He told us to dream big but told us to avoid risk, pay obedient, home-loaning small staff.
I grew up in a middle-class family, surrounded by middle-class values ​​and inferior feelings of middle-class, bad habits about money and other ideas that put ambitious middle-class boys and girls in their place. Were soaked but somewhere down the line, I had to rewrite the programming in my brain.
Succeeding with confidence I have taken classes and workshops at leading IITs, NITs and top schools like BHU University, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Birla Institute of Technology. I made a circle of influence and made friends. I became a person with an amazing network and charisma, I have learned to build meaningful relationships and close relationships with people who matter to me very quickly and definitely. I received several offers from top NGOs and negotiated to get more privileges from what other batchmates received.

I managed to do very well academically as well. I started a business in my native place like digital marketing and water supply. I am also struggling a lot in social industry, as I train, coach and speak to social workers from every sector of the economy. We are all working together for the same goal, which is to facilitate legal education, access to legal information and common people access to justice in India.

-ashutosh dubey public speaker!
Social media is bold. 

Social media is young.

Social media raises questions.

 Social media is not satisfied with an answer.

Social media looks at the big picture.

 Social media is interested in every detail.

social media is curious.

 Social media is free.

Social media is irreplaceable.

But never irrelevant.

Social media is you.

(With input from news agency language)

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