

Consumers will get three months of food together

Additional Collector took meeting related to food, cooperatives, procurement 
katni - Under the public distribution system, the consumers of the eligible family will be given food grains for the next three months from March 2020. Instructions have been given to all cooperative societies and ration shops to ensure three months of food grains storage and lifting. These instructions have been given in the review meeting of officers of Food, Civil Supplies, Cooperation, Markfed held on Saturday under the chairmanship of Additional Collector Jayendra Kumar Vijayawat. District Supply Officer Pramod Shrivastava, District Marketing Officer Shikha Singh Verma, Assistant Commissioner Cooperatives Arun Meshram, District Manager Naan Piyush Mali, Assistant Supply Officer KS Bhadoria were present on the occasion.
 Additional Collector Shri Vijaywat reviewed the paddy procurement and payment to farmers and preparation of wheat procurement and public distribution system in the meeting. District Supply Officer Shrivastava informed that 257601 metric tonnes of paddy has been acquired from 33 thousand 777 farmers in paddy procurement 2019-20. Out of which Rs 451 crore is payable to farmers, an amount of 446 crore has been deposited in the account. In the preparations for the procurement of rabi crops, it was told that registration of farmers for wheat procurement is being done till March 2. So far 29 thousand 619 farmers have registered themselves for wheat, 6717 for gram, 1349 for lentils and 2186 for mustard. Last year, 152532 metric tonnes of wheat was purchased from 22 thousand 779 farmers. This time due to increase in registration number and acreage of farmers in the district, 2 lakh metric tonnes of wheat is expected to be purchased. This year, wheat procurement rates will be increased from Rs 1840 to Rs 1925 per quintal. The total storage available for storing procured wheat is 1 lakh 51 thousand metric tons including cover and open cap. Arrangement of silo or open cap is being made in the remaining shortfall of 49 thousand metric tonne Patori. The available boons are 100 bails while 8000 bale will be required for procurement. Additional Collector Shri Vijaywat instructed departmental officers to make efforts at the government level for safe storage of short falls and fulfillment of boons from now. In the review of public distribution system, it was informed that out of 2 lakh 14 thousand 842 families in the month of February, 1 lakh 71 thousand 915 families have been distributed food grains through POS. Which is 80 percent of the total families. 1127 teams were formed to verify the eligibility families, through which 83 percent verification work has been done. 
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