

Punjab Resident Files PIL in High Court Against Alleged Misuse of Public Funds for Political Rallies

  • A resident of Mansa, Punjab, filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Punjab & Haryana High Court.
  • The PIL alleges the misuse of public funds and resources, including public transport buses, for political rallies by the ruling party in Punjab.
  • The petitioner claims this misuse causes inconvenience to the public and burdens the state exchequer.
  • The petitioner seeks:
    • Immediate measures to prevent such misuse.
    • A policy to be formulated regarding the use of state resources in political rallies.
    • Reimbursement of costs incurred from the political parties involved.

Key Points:

  • The case highlights concerns about the potential misuse of public resources for political gains.
  • The use of public transport buses for political rallies can disrupt public transportation services.
  • The petitioner argues that such practices strain state finances and inconvenience the public.
  • The court has issued a notice of motion, indicating further legal proceedings are likely.

Additional Notes:

  • The order from the High Court is awaited.
  • The specific details of the rallies and the evidence presented by the petitioner are not mentioned in the article.
  • This is an ongoing legal case, and the final outcome is yet to be determined.


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