

Indo-US Legal Services Summit


Key Points:

  • The Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) launched the first-ever India-US Legal Services Summit.
  • The summit aims to strengthen the Indo-US partnership by fostering collaboration on legal and corporate issues.
  • Prominent speakers included the Attorney General of India, R. Venkataramani, and the Solicitor General of India, Tushar Mehta.
  • R. Venkataramani emphasized the need for a global legal commons aligned with human rights, well-being, and protection to address concerns about free market equality.
  • Tushar Mehta highlighted the differences in legal systems between India and the US and proposed establishing a center for seamless cross-border investments.
  • The summit included diverse sessions on topics like data protection, intellectual property, and dispute resolution, featuring participation from legal experts from both countries.

Overall, the summit aims to:

  • Strengthen legal ties between India and the US.
  • Promote legal excellence and best practices.
  • Address shared legal challenges and explore collaborative solutions.

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