

High Court Rules Journalists Not Covered by Unfair Labour Practices Act

 The Bombay High Court has ruled that working journalists cannot file complaints under the Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices Act (MRTU & PULP Act) due to their special status under the Working Journalists Act.

Key Points:

  • Reasoning: The court recognized journalists as a distinct class with unique privileges and protections under the Working Journalists Act. This special status excludes them from the definition of "employee" or "workman" under the MRTU & PULP Act.
  • Dispute Resolution: The court clarified that existing mechanisms under the Industrial Disputes Act are available for settling disputes related to working journalists.
  • Previous Case: The judgement stemmed from petitions filed by two journalists challenging their complaints' rejection by an industrial court in 2019. The court found these complaints inadmissible due to the journalists' status not falling under the MRTU & PULP Act.


  • This ruling prevents journalists from seeking legal recourse under the MRTU & PULP Act for unfair labor practices.
  • It reinforces the use of the established mechanisms under the Industrial Disputes Act for handling conflicts related to working journalists.
  • The distinction emphasizes the unique position of journalists within the broader labor landscape.

This case highlights the importance of understanding specific employment laws and their applicability to different professions. While journalists have access to legal protections, the avenues for seeking redress might differ from those available to other categories of workers.

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