

Himalaya copyright lawsuit: Delhi High Court held the movie Aachar & Co. featuring "Vimalaya" Is An Infringement


The makers of the Kannada movie Aachar & Co have consented to change sequences where a woman is seen selling "Vimalaya" items. Himalaya Wellness Company filed a lawsuit in the Delhi High Court alleging copyright and trademark violation.

As a result, the filmmakers were given 15 days by Justice Pratibha M. Singh to make the suggested revisions and provide the corrected version to Himalaya's legal representative for verification.

The Court was sitting in on a copyright and trademark infringement lawsuit brought by Himalaya. The company was offended by certain movie scenes in which the lead character was seen going door-to-door selling "Vimalaya" items, specifically "Liv 52," "Geriforte," and "Evecare."

Remarkably, Himalaya has registered these three goods as trademarks. Himalaya's lawsuit also challenged the false advertising of the goods.

The filmmakers were summoned by the High Court on November 24 and requested to appear in Court to present their case.

The filmmakers notified the Court on December 15 that they would be willing to make six adjustments to the feature film to address the issues of the Himalayas fairly.

The wellness company approved the concept. In light of this, the Court granted the filmmakers 15 days to make the necessary modifications and send Himalaya's legal representative a copy of the amended version for verification.

Additionally, the Court mandated that a copy of the film's altered version be sent to the Censor Board of Film Certification (CBFC) for review and approval. 

Furthermore, the Court ordered that the CBFC accept the changes by March 15, 2024, and that only the legally certified, altered version of the movie would be available for streaming on Amazon and any other OTT platform after that date.

 United & United 

  (With input from news agency language)
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