The Division Bench of the Bombay High Court, comprising Justices Mangesh Patil and S G Chapalgaonkar in the case of Sayed Usama v. State of Maharashtra and Others has directed the police department that no mock drills shall be conducted depicting persons of a particular community as terrorists.
The Bench observed that no mock drills by the Police Department depicting from attire and the slogan shouting as if to indicate that the terrorist is a Muslim.
The present PIL was filed the petitioner, who is a social activist, apparently a Muslim has raked-up the issue involving public interest.
The Court issued the notice to the Respondents and instructed the learned Public Prosecutor to take instructions as to if there are any guidelines for holding of the mock drills.
The Court listed the matter on 10.02.23 for next hearing.
Case Details
Petitioner:- Sayed Usama
Respondent:- State of Maharashtra and Others
Counsel for the Petitioner - Mr. Sayyed Tauseef Yaseen
Counsel for the Respondent - Mr. D. R. Kale
Judge: Justices Mangesh Patil and S G Chapalgaonkar
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