Türkiye wards off Greek Coast Guard vessel harassing Turkish fishing boats


Turkish Coast Guard vessel reciprocated with warning shots in the air in response to the shots fired by the Greek side.

The Greek forces were driven back, and the Turkish fishing boats continued with their fishing activities, the statement added. 

The Greek forces were driven back, and the Turkish fishing boats continued with their fishing activities, the statement added. (AA Archive)

A Turkish Coast Guard patrol has staved off a Greek security vessel that harassed Turkish fishing boats in the Aegean Sea with warning shots in the air, according to an official statement.

Türkiye's Interior Ministry Coast Guard Command said in a statement on Thursday that a team was dispatched to the area off the district of Didim in Aydin province following reports that Greek Coast Guard forces harassed the fishing boats at around 12.02 pm local time (0902GMT).

The Greek forces were driven back, and the Turkish fishing boats continued with their fishing activities, the statement added.In response to the shots fired by the Greek side, the Turkish Coast Guard vessel reciprocated with warning shots in the air as well, it noted.



Source: AA 

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