

How one treats a Woman gives insight into his Upbringing and Personality: High Court


Boys should be taught that they should not touch a girl or woman without her explicit consent & this lesson should be imparted to them at schools & families, the High Court of Kerala has said.

Lessons in good behaviour & etiquette must be part of the curriculum at least from the Primary class level, the Court has observed, taking note of the rise in sexual harassment cases in society.

 It said boys should understand the phrase “no" means “no" & urged society to teach them to be selfless & gentle, rather than selfish & entitled.

Justice Devan Ramachandran, while considering a plea challenging the order of the Internal Complaints Committee & the order passed by the Principal of a College in connection with a harassment matter, said showing respect & honour towards a woman was not old fashioned, but a virtue for all times.

“Boys must know that they should not touch a girl/woman without her explicit consent. They should understand ‘No’ means ‘No’… The archaic concepts of masculinity have changed – it needs to change more," the Judge said, adding that “Sexism is not acceptable or cool".


The court, in its Jan 18 order, said respectfulness needs to be inculcated very young & the strength is exhibited when one respects a woman, adding that how one treats a woman gives an insight into his upbringing & personality.

Justice Ramachandran said, “A child should be taught at the family, & from the beginning of school, that he/she must respect the other gender. They should be taught that real men don’t bully women – it is unmanly; & not an expression of macho virtue, but its antithesis. It is, in fact, the weak men who dominate & harass women – this message must ring loud & clear".

The Court noted that the current educational system seldom focuses on character building, but solely on academic results & employability.

“It is time to shift attention to value education – so that our children grow up to be well adjusted adults. Lessons in good behaviour & etiquette must be part of the curriculum; & from at least the Primary Class level, teachers must be encouraged to instill virtues & values in students." It called for the attention of the policy makers & influencers in the field of education to “bestow attention" on this.

The judge, even though disposed of the petition, directed the Secretaries of the General Education and Higher Education Departments, Boards like CBSE, ICSE & others to take necessary actions based on its observations & listed it for further hearing on Feb 3.

The Court was hearing a plea filed by a 24-year-old accused who had misbehaved & groped certain girl students in the college campus. He claimed before the court that he was not heard by the college authorities, including the Principal & the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) before taking action against him.


The Order said, “…Constitute the statutory ‘Collegiate Student Redressal Committee’, so that it can then hear the petitioner, as also the affected persons, if any, before taking a final decision".

The Court further directed the college to form the panel within two weeks & provide necessary opportunities to both sides & submit the final decision in the report of the ICC in a month.

 Source Link


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