

Israel's PM-designate Netanyahu finalises coalition deals


The Israeli prime minister-designate is expected to swear his new government in on Thursday after his Likud party finalises two remaining deals.

Netanyahu has sought to quell fears at home and abroad his emerging government will endanger minority rights, harm the judiciary and exacerbate the conflict with Palestinians. 

Netanyahu has sought to quell fears at home and abroad his emerging government will endanger minority rights, harm the judiciary and exacerbate the conflict with Palestinians. (AP Archive)

Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu has finalised coalition deals with allied parties, their spokespeople said, in final steps toward his political comeback at the head of one of the most right-wing governments in Israel's history.

Netanyahu, whose bloc of nationalist and religious parties won a clear election victory last month, is expected to swear his new government in on Thursday after his Likud party finalises two remaining deals.

But even before starting his record sixth term in office, Netanyahu has sought to quell fears at home and abroad his emerging government will endanger minority rights, harm the judiciary and exacerbate the conflict with Palestinians.




Leaked coalition clauses

The coalition deals with pro-settler Religious Zionism and ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism have yet to be formally published, but leaked clauses, recent legislation and statements by future coalition members over the past few weeks have drawn wide criticism.

Prospective coalition members' pledges to curb Supreme Court powers, anti-gay statements and calls to allow a business to refuse services to people based on religious grounds, have alarmed liberal Israelis as well as Western allies.

Legislation ratified on Tuesday will ultimately enable the pro-settler Religious Zionism party to take up a post of second minister within the Defence Ministry, granting it broad authority over expansion of illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu said he would seek peace with Palestinians, perhaps through discreet negotiations. But he refused to endorse a two-state solution, calling instead for “a fresh view” and creative thinking. 

During Netanyahu’s previous 12-year stint as prime minister, which ended last year, peace talks ground to a halt.


Far-right, extremist politicians

Further legislation to be brought to a vote on Wednesday, will grant new powers over police for Itamar Ben-Gvir, head of the far-right Jewish Power party, as national security minister.

Ben-Gvir and his allies hope to grant immunity to Israeli soldiers who shoot at Palestinians, deport rival lawmakers and impose the death penalty on Palestinians convicted of attacks on Jews.

Ben-Gvir is the disciple of a racist rabbi, Meir Kahane, who was banned from Parliament and whose Kach party was branded a terrorist group by the United States before he was assassinated in New York in 1990.

 Source: TRTWorld and agencies 

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