

Pentagon: Looking into reports Russian missiles hit NATO member Poland


"We have no information right now to corroborate that there has been a missile strike" in Poland, Pentagon says, adding, it is looking into the media reports further.

Emergency officials and army troops reached the scene of the explosion in the village of Przewodow in the Lublin district.
Emergency officials and army troops reached the scene of the explosion in the village of Przewodow in the Lublin district. (Reuters Archive) 

The Pentagon has said it was unable to corroborate media reports that two Russian missiles had landed inside NATO member Poland, but that it was investigating the claims.

"We are aware of the press reports alleging that two Russian missiles have struck a location inside Poland or the Ukraine border," Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder said on Tuesday.

"We have no information right now to corroborate that there has been a missile strike," Ryder told reporters, adding that the Pentagon was "looking into this further."

Russia rejected the reports as "deliberate provocation". 

Statements of Polish media and officials about the alleged fall of "Russian" missiles are a "deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation," Russia said.

Earlier, Radio Lublin reported that emergency officials and army troops have reached the scene of the explosion in the village of Przewodow in the Lublin district.

The cause of the explosion has not been ascertained yet.

"The causes of this incident are not known at the moment," Marcin Lebiedowicz, spokesperson of the local State Fire Service office, told Radio Lublin.

Critical situation

"We have received a report of an explosion at the yard. Upon arrival, we confirm that something like this has happened. Two people died on the spot. At the

moment, we are securing the scene of the incident and lighting the area of action," Lebiedowicz added.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has convened a high-level meeting on an urgent basis, government spokesperson Piotr Muller said soon after reports of the explosion started coming in.

The situation is reportedly critical after a recent attack by Russian forces on energy infrastructure facilities in Ukraine. Some of the missiles hit the western part of the country, close to the border with Poland. 

Source: TRTWorld and agencies 

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