

UN aid to Syria from Türkiye 'to continue' until January


UNSC allows UN aid deliveries to some four million people in northwest Syria, diplomats say, after days of wrangling with Russia over how long to let the huge operation continue.

More than 4,600 aid trucks, carrying mostly food, have crossed Bab al Hawa this year, helping some 2.4 million people, according to UN.
More than 4,600 aid trucks, carrying mostly food, have crossed Bab al Hawa this year, helping some 2.4 million people, according to UN. (AFP)

The UN Security Council has agreed to extend a vital system for cross-border aid to war-ravaged Syria by six months, the length of time wanted by Russia, diplomats said.

Western nations had demanded a year-long extension, but a vote by the 15 members on half that is expected either later in the day or Tuesday.

The aid delivery mechanism across Türkiye's border into Syria at the Bab al Hawa crossing is the only way United Nations assistance can reach civilians without navigating areas controlled by Syrian regime forces.

The system, in place since 2014, expired on Sunday.

The agreement breaks an impasse that had threatened to derail the life-saving supplies for the more than 2.4 million people in the northwestern Idlib region of Syria.

Russia, an ally of the Syrian regime on Friday vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have prolonged the mechanism by one year, and Western powers then voted down Moscow's competing resolution that proposed extending approval by just six months.

The previous draft by Ireland and Norway suggested the possibility of a halt to the mechanism in January next year if the Security Council so decided.

The new Irish-Norwegian text provides for renewal in January 2023 for another six months, subject to the adoption of a new resolution.

It also requires a briefing every two months on the implementation of the system and calls for a special report on humanitarian needs in the region to the UN secretary general by December 10.

Russian stance 

Russia's deputy ambassador to the UN Dmitry Polyanski said Moscow would adopt the resolution with "a minimal modification."

An ambassador of an influential Security Council member said his country would adopt the resolution.

For resolutions to be adopted, at least nine of the 15 members must support it, with none of the permanent members wielding their veto.

More than 4,600 aid trucks, carrying mostly food, have crossed Bab al Hawa this year, helping some 2.4 million people, according to the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The mechanism has been extended for only six months in the past, although this short period makes it difficult to plan delivery, aid workers say.

Dozens of NGOs and several senior UN officials had lobbied Security Council members for the year-long cross-border aid clearance.

UN expert Richard Gowan said the offensive in Ukraine has "complicated negotiations on Syria this year."

Earlier on Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised the importance of extending the cross-border aid mechanism in Syria, in conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the Turkish Communications Directorate said.

Source: Reuters

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