

PM Modi on Budget, says India's economy is expanding continuously due to Govt decisions


 Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that it is very important for us to make a self-reliant and modern India. He said, Union Budget which was presented in the Parliament yesterday has several important provisions to take India forward in the direction of modernity.

Talking about the people friendly and progressive Budget at a programme organised by BJP today, Mr Modi said, India's economy is expanding continuously due to the decisions taken by the Government in the last seven years.

The Prime Minister said, seven years before, India's GDP was One lakh ten thousand crore rupees but today it is about two lakh 30 thousand crore rupees. He said, even the country's forex reserves have increased to 630 billion dollars from 200 billion dollars. Mr Modi said, all of this is due to the effective policies of the Government.

He said, this Budget focuses on the poor, middle class and youth and aims to provide them basic necessities. Mr Modi said, today, people, globally, want to see an empowered and strong India.

The Prime Minister said budget also focused on modernizing Indian agriculture with a focus on organic farming. Mr Modi said, this will make farming more lucrative.

The Prime Minister said, Ken-Betwa river interlinking project is set to change face of Bundelkhand spanning Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. He said, in this year's budget, there is provision for 80 lakh pucca houses for the poor and for it, 48 thousand crore rupees has been allotted. Mr Modi said, this will help them overcome poverty and take them forward. He said, Government has decided that it will develop the villages on India's borders and for this, it is moving forward with a holistic approach.  

The Prime Minister said, such villages will have all facilities like electricity, water and others and a special provision has been made in the budget for it. He said, PARVATMALA will provide modern connectivity and infrastructure in the Himalayan region and will smoothen access to the hills - both for tourists, pilgrims and most importantly, for our defence forces.

The Prime Minister said, migration from border villages is not good for national security and Union Budget has provisions to develop vibrant villages on the border.

Mr Modi said, Budget has envisioned two thousand 500 kilometres long natural farming corridor along banks of River Ganga which will also help Clean Ganga mission.

The Prime Minister said, today, our country is importing edible oils in massive quantities and we are dependent on imports. He said, to become self-reliant in edible oil, we have started a national mission to reduce dependence on imports and it will further strengthen our farmers. Mr Modi said, farmers are expected to get more than 1.5 lakh crore rupees as MSP for paddy this season.

He said, the budget for sports has seen a triple-fold rise in the last seven years and this will benefit the youth. The Prime Minister said, Tax benefits for startups in budget will motivate youngsters to innovate. He said, Digital Rupee will open up new opportunities for Fintech sector.

Mr Modi said, our MSMEs are the oldest and strongest pillars of the Indian economy and during COVID pandemic, the Government started the ECGLS. He said, this scheme has safeguarded nearly 1.5 crore jobs and aided 6 crore lives. The Prime Minister said, in 2013-14, public investment was at just 1.87 lakh crore rupees and in this year's budget, the Government has pegged it at 7.5 lakh crore rupees. He said, compared to UPA, this has seen a four-fold rise. He added that it will promote FDI and will create modern infrastructure in the country. Mr Modi said, very soon every village will have optical fibre connectivity and 5G technology in the country will usher in new era. He said, in 2014, the nation had 90 thousand kilometres of National Highways which were built in the last 70 years.

The Prime Minister said, in the last seven years, Government has created 50 thousand kilometres of National Highways. He said, under PM GatiShakti, thousands of kilometres of new National Highways will be created. The Prime Minister said, our economy's fundamentals are strong, the direction is right and the pace is rapid.


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