

PM Modi Security Lapse: Supreme Court appoints Retd. Judge Indu Malhotra to head the probe

 Justice Indu Malhotra 

Two days after the Supreme Court ordered for the set-up of a committee to probe the security lapse which happened during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Punjab on 5 January, it has announced that former apex court judge Justice Indu Malhotra will help the panel.

As per the Supreme Court, the panel will have Justice Indu Malhotra (retired), Director General of National Investigation Agency, Director General of Security of Punjab and Registrar General of Punjab and Haryana High Court as its members.

The court opined that the "questions cannot be left to one-sided enquiry" and a judicially trained mind needs to oversee the probe.

"…these questions can't be left to one-sided inquiries. A judicially trained independent mind duly assisted with officers well acquired with security issues and registrar general of HC who seized records would be best placed, to submit a comprehensive report", CJI NV Ramana read out the operative portion of the order.

The apex court also said that the panel will inquire into causes of the security breach, persons responsible for it and the measures to be taken in future for preventing such security breaches of VVIPs.

The order came based on a plea filed by an NGO 'Lawyer's Voice' seeking a probe into the security lapse during prime minister’s trip.

 The prime minister's convoy was stranded on a flyover due to a blockade by protesters in Ferozepur last week. The incident forced the PM to cancel his rally and other events planned in poll-bound Punjab.

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