On Friday, the Gujarat High Court rejected a PIL against the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation’s (AMC) circular restraining entry of Covid-19 unvaccinated people on its premises, hailed the civic body for undertaking the campaign to pressurize people to get vaccinated, and appealed to citizens to get themselves vaccinated and to go for the booster dose as well.
While junking the PIL, the bench of Justice J B Pardiwala and Justice Niral Mehta appealed the citizens to get themselves vaccinated. “It is very essential to get vaccinated with two doses as prescribed to protect themselves from the threat of Covid-19, more particularly the new variant, namely, Omicron. It’s time for people to take the third dose of booster.”
Five citizens had filed the PIL taking exception to AMC’s September 17 circular by which the civic body prohibited the entry in public buildings and premises of those who have not taken two doses of Covid-19 vaccine. They argued that the Centre has declared that vaccination is not compulsory and therefore AMC could not have issued such a circular and pressurize the citizens for vaccination by restricting their entry in AMC buildings.
The petitioners’ advocate cited Meghalaya high court’s orders to support his case that vaccination cannot be made compulsory, but the judges insisted him to ignore any such stance against vaccination.
They said, “Even if Meghalaya is very sure about what is going to happen, Gujarat will not do. The state of Gujarat is very vigilant. We don’t want to take any chance.” They also asked the lawyer whether he wants the court proceedings go back to online.
The high court dismissed the PIL saying that AMC’s campaign is really in public interest and insisted that AMC should implement its circular meaningfully. The court accepted AMC’s contention that drive has been undertaken to ensure that there is no third wave of the Covid pandemic, as the new variant Omicron is spreading fast and very contagious. AMC would not like to take any chance.
The court discarded petitioners’ contention that the circular is without any authority of law or jurisdiction, and hailed AMC’s decision for vaccination awareness campaign and precautions against the wrath of any third wave in the form of Omicron. The judges questioned the petitioners’ counsel whether they are equipped to fight with Omicron by themselves.
The high court expressed displeasure at citizens approaching the court demanding interference in measures against spread of Covid-19 on flimsy grounds in the name on public interest. “On the contrary, as law abiding citizens, we expect them to extend full co-operation to the authorities. One should not forget the worst of the nightmares given by the Covid-19 continuously for a period of two years.”
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(With input from news agency language)
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