

Sudan releases political prisoners after deal on transition to democracy


Sudan's top general Abdel Fattah al Burhan and Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok have signed a political agreement that provides for the premier's reinstatement, release of other civilian leaders and to restore transition to full democracy.

Thousands of demonstrators in multiple rallies rejected the military's seizure of power.
Thousands of demonstrators in multiple rallies rejected the military's seizure of power. (Reuters)

Sudanese authorities have released several civilian leaders detained since last month's coup.

"I was released late yesterday evening," the head of Sudan's Congress Party Omar al Degeir said on Monday. 

He was among the civilians arrested in the October 25 power grab by the army.

"I was in solitary confinement and completely cut off from the world throughout this period," he added.

Other civilian politicians, including from the Umma party, Sudan's largest political group, were also released.

The release of politicians was the key plank in a deal aimed to restore a fragile transition process towards full democracy.

Top general Abdel Fattah al Burhan last month declared a state of emergency and ousted the government, in a move that upended a two-year transition to civilian rule.

It triggered a wave of mass street protests in which at least 41 people were killed, according to medical sources.

But on Sunday, Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, who had also been put under effective house arrest, was released. 

He and Burhan then formally signed a 14-point deal that provided for the premier's reinstatement and for political detainees to be freed.

Mixed reactions to the deal

Analysts warn the move simply "whitewashes" the coup, as Hamdok's government will still be under oversight of a ruling council led by the military.

Thousands of demonstrators in multiple rallies rejected the deal shouting, "No to military power" and demanding the armed forces fully withdraw from government.

The deal was welcomed by the international community including the United Nations and African Union as well as the so-called Troika of the Britain, Norway and the United States.

It was also greeted by Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which has strong ties with the Sudanese military.

The deal raises hopes the strife-torn northeast African country will be able to return to its fragile transition process that started after the 2019 ouster of veteran autocratic president Omar al-Bashir.

But while Britain's minister for Africa, Vicky Ford, said that she was "pleased" at Hamdok's return, she warned that the "military must deliver on their commitment to a genuine partnership with civilians"

Source: TRTWorld and agencies

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