

Uttrakhand High Court confers designation of “Senior Advocate” to 40 Advocates.

 Uttarakhand High Court 

The Uttrakhand High Court has conferred designation of “Senior Advocate” to 40 advocates in the Full Court meeting. The designation has been done in view of the "Section 16(2) of Advocates Act 1961".

The notification issued by the Uttrakhand High Court notifies that “Hon'ble the Full Court has been pleased to designate the following Advocates as Senior Advocates of this Court in light of "Section 16(2) of Advocates Act, 1961.”

Section 16(2) of Advocates Act, 1861 entails that An advocate may, with his consent, be designated as senior advocate if the Supreme Court or a High Court is of opinion that by virtue of his ability, 3 [standing at the Bar or special knowledge or experience in law] he is deserving of such distinction.

About “Senior Advocate” Designation

Senior Advocate is an advocate who has been designated as such by either the Supreme Court or the High Court. A Senior Advocate cannot file a vakalathnama, appear in the Court without another advocate or advocate-on-record, cannot directly accept an engagement to appear in a case or draft pleadings.



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