On Thursday, the Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana in the case titled Manohar Lal Sharma v. Union of India said in an open court that the Supreme Court is likely to set up an expert committee to probe the Pegasus spyware case and a detailed order on this is expected next week.
The Chief Justice of India also said that some of the experts have expressed their inability to become part of the committee due to personal difficulties which have led to the delay by the Apex Court in passing an order in this regard.
The petitioners represented by Senior Advocates Kapil Sibal, Shyam Divan, Meenaskhi Arora, Rakesh Dwivedi, C.U. Singh have submitted that the Govt. of India cannot be expected to conduct a fair investigation as the Govt. of India was under a suspicion. The Israel based spyware firm NSO, which developed Pegasus, claims that they had sells its services only to Govt. of India and not to private entities.
On 18th July, The Wire and several other international publications released a report indicating that the said spyware may have been used to infect the mobile devices of several Journalists, political leaders, activists, lawyers, a former Supreme Court Judge, officials and others.
Several petitions were filed in the Apex Court seeking an investigation in this regard.
SOURCE ; latestlaws.com