On Wednesday, the Andhra Pradesh high court stayed the appointment of 52 persons as special invitees to the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), along with 24 regular members for the trust board that manages the country’s richest temple of Lord Venkateshwara in Chittoor district.
Acting on two separate public interest litigation (PIL) petitions filed on Monday, a division bench of the high court comprising chief justice Aroop Kumar Goswami and justice N Jayasuriya issued interim orders suspending the two government orders (GO No. 568 and 569) for a period of four weeks while it hears the arguments in detail.
The petitions have sought to know how these many special invitees could be appointed by giving them all the privileges on par with regular members of the TTD Trust Board regarding darshan, and their tenure.
They said the GOs were illegal, arbitrary and also contrary to the Section 96 of Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Acts, 1987, and also violation of Article 25 of the Constitution of India.
In the GO, principal secretary to endowments department Vani Mohan said the scope of TTD administration spans across development works, engineering, finance and accounting, marketing, media and publication, forestry, water supply and human resource management.
“The scale and scope of these activities necessitates inclusion of special invitees who are experts from various fields,” it said.
“Tirupati being the most visited place in the state by domestic tourists attracting over 36 million worshippers annually, shall vastly benefit with the addition of eminent personalities as special invitees to the TTD,” it said.
The GO added that all the special invitees would enjoy the privileges given to regular members, except voting rights in the trust board meeting.
SOURCE ; latestlaws.com