A Delhi Court has directed police to submit videos in which gangster-turned-social activist Lakha Sidhana was allegedly instigating protesters to deviate from the agreed route during the farmers’ protest rally on Republic Day.
Sidhana is accused of allegedly being involved in the violence on January 26 near Red Fort.
Additional sessions judge Gagandeep Singh said, “Let the IO file on record the footage on which they are relying, specifically that of a day prior to the incident, when the alleged incitement took place, and play them on the next date of hearing.”
The court also directed the IO to file a status report regarding the other accused named in the FIR as being the alleged conspirators and instigators.
Senior advocate Ramesh Gupta and advocate Jasdeep Singh Dhillon, who appeared for the accused, told the court that Sidhana had asked the protesters to remain peaceful while exercising their right to protest.
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