On Friday, the High Court of Kerala granted anticipatory bail to former Gujarat DGP RB Sreekumar, 2 Ex-Kerala Police officers S Vijayan & Thampi S Durga Dutt, & former IB Officer PS Jayaprakash who were involved in the 1994 ISRO espionage case registered by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Sreekumar is the seventh accused in the case involving former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan.
Last month on July 29, CBI had informed the Kerala High Court that it is suspecting the involvement of "enemy countries" including Pakistan in the 1994 ISRO espionage case.
The CBI had filed an FIR accusing 18 persons including former police officials of hatching a conspiracy.
The police officials mentioned the names of the accused in the espionage case include the former head of Special Investigation
Team (SIT) Siby Mathews along with teammates A Vijayan, Thampi. S. Durgadutt, then City Police Commissioner V R Rajeevan, & then Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, RB Sreekumar.
The Supreme Court had earlier ordered the CBI to look into the Justice DK Jain Committee report on the involvement of senior Kerala police officials who allegedly framed Narayanan in the ISRO espionage case.
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