On Friday, the Delhi Police informed the Patiala House Court that it has conducted a potency test of all accused in connection with the alleged Rape & Murder Case of a 9-year-old Dalit girl.
The Delhi Police told the Court that during custodial interrogation of the accused, their separate disclosures were recorded. The police also said that during police custody, the clothes of all the accused which they were wearing at the time of the incident were seized, & their mobile phones were also subsequently seized.
The Police added that their potency test was done & their blood on the gauge was obtained & seized.
The Police also told the Court that it has recorded the statement of some of the witnesses in the case including the Mother of the deceased.
The submission of Delhi Police came when a hearing application filed by the family member of the victim was seeking interim compensation under the Compensation Scheme for Women Victims of Sexual Assault & other Crimes-2018.
The Court directed Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DLSA) to immediately release interim compensation of Rs 2, 50,000 to the mother of a deceased Dalit minor girl, who was allegedly murdered.
The Court has also remanded the accused to fourteen-days of judicial custody.
On Monday, a Delhi Court remanded to 3 days Police custody to all accused, arrested in connection with the alleged rape & murder of a nine-year-old Dalit girl. All the accused were produced in court through video conferencing.
Advocate Jitender Jha & Suresh Kumar Choudhary, lawyers appeared for the Victim family. The lawyer said that the victim family is very poor. Even the copy of the FIR, in this case, has not been provided by the Delhi Police.
The case of the minor girl who was allegedly raped, murdered & cremated without her parents' consent in Delhi's Old Nangal crematorium has been transferred to the crime branch for speedy investigation. Police Commissioner of Delhi, Rakesh Asthana gave the direction for the transfer of the case. Recently, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal met the family members of the deceased minor girl & announced an ex gratia of rupees 10 lakh to the family.
On Aug 1, a 9-year-old girl was allegedly raped & killed by a priest & three employees of a crematorium near Delhi Cantonment in southwest Delhi, the police had informed.
Delhi Police registered a case against four accused on the basis of the statement of the minor's mother who alleged that her daughter was raped, murdered & cremated without their consent on Sunday.
The accused have been booked under Sections 302, 376 & 506 of IPC, along with the relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act & the SC/ST Act.
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