On Thursday, Delhi High Court Judge Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, who retired said that the whole system would have failed during the Covid-19 pandemic without the work done by the court staff and registry.
He stated that besides staff, the law researchers also made a large contribution which must be brought to the fore.
"This Court has a tradition of honouring judges, lawyers. But till now I have not noticed any tradition of honouring these two facets of the court system without which the system was a failure in the pandemic,” the judge said.
“Without them, the Delhi High Court would not have done the work the entire country is talking of.”
He acknowledged the work done and sacrifices made by the staff. The judge said that he would humbly accept all the praises showered on him not only for himself but also on behalf of the law researchers and the staff.
I had never paid much attention to the staff and the registry. But one realized that whatever we are doing, whatever praise all of you have showered on my work today is meaningless without the support of the staff and the volunteers.”
During his tenure of 13 years as a judge, Justice Endlaw authored several landmark judgments. In his farewell address, Chief Justice DN Patel said that Justice Endlaw was hardworking and punctual and his contribution to justice would always be remembered and cherished in the coming years.
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