External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has said that India provided medical supplies and equipment to more than 150 nations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Addressing the 14th Annual Conference of Institute for National Security Studies, Israel, he said, even as Indian began mass vaccination at home, supply of Indian vaccine to our immediate neighbours started.
Dr Jaishankar said, this is expected to cover other partner countries in
the coming days. He said, the world can only benefit from a more
collective effort to deal with the serious issues confronting us. Dr
Jaishankar said, combating pandemics will naturally dominate the global
agenda in the coming days.
On the issue of climate change, External
Affairs Minister said, an American return to upholding global
commitments will be widely welcomed. He said, India reflects both its
own beliefs and world opinion today as it ramps up its renewable energy
targets, expands its forest cover, enhances its bio-diversity and
focuses on effective water utilisation.
(With input from news agency language)
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