

Poor countries won't have access to a Covid-19 vaccine until 2022

Poorer nations could also be left behind as wealthy nations, accounting for just 14 percent of the worldwide population, have pre-ordered just over half the vaccine doses expected to be produced.
At least a fifth of the world's population might not have access to a Covid-19 vaccine until 2022, consistent with a study, with wealthier nations reserving quite half next year's potential doses.
With hopes that vaccines can bring an end to an epidemic that has killed some 1.6 million people, countries including the us , Britain and therefore the United Arab Emirates have already begun rolling out immunisation programmes
Eager to increase their chances of getting access to a minimum of one among the handfuls of vaccines in development, many nations have snapped up allocations of several different drugs.
Wealthy nations – accounting for just 14 percent of the global population – have pre-ordered just over half of the vaccine doses expected to be produced by the 13 leading developers next year, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found in a study published on Wednesday.
There are fears that poorer nations are going to be left behind.


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