


Together we are standing up for nature.
Climate and nature are intricately linked. We won’t be able to solve the global loss of nature without solving the climate crisis. In turn, when we restore nature, we create healthy ecosystems which lock away more carbon and help stabilise our climate.

We know what we have to do. We just need the global willpower.

Concluding this week in Madrid, the UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 has been an important global summit on the way to address the climate crisis. World leaders need to deliver ambitious plans if we are to protect biodiversity and halt climate change.

What can you do?

1. Switch to a clean energy provider. What energy fuels your home? Shop around energy providers and choose one that supports renewable energy like wind and solar.

2. Encourage others around you to switch to clean, green energy! Speak to your employer, local school, local community groups and businesses about the benefits of embracing renewable energy. Share the Playbook for Climate Action for guidance on actions they can take and scale today.

3. The way we get around has a huge impact on climate. Choosing public transport rather than driving, and walking and cycling more, will help reduce your personal carbon emissions.

4. Demand clean, pollution-free energy! Contact your policymakers and tell local businesses you want action on climate change and air pollution.

5. Ask your friends and family to add their Voice for the Planet too. The more Voices we raise, the more likely it is that leaders will take the ambitious action we need.

{With input from news agency language) If you like this story, share it with a friend! 
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